Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Tuesday Run Down

There are so many things that have been happening over the past couple of days in the NICU that I thought a run down might be the best way to update the status of each kiddo…so here we go!

-Completed a bottle for me yesterday
-Took a bottle from Dad for the very first time today and finished more than ½ of it
-Got a bath today and slept through the whole thing
-Has come down with a bad case of new born rash- prayers that it will clear up soon (poor guys eyes are even swollen and puffy)
-Has outgrown quite a few of his preemie outfits
-Is now over 5 ½ lbs

-Completed a bottle for the night nurse
-Got a bath yesterday and also slept through the entire thing
-Is STILL on room air and off the oxygen!
-Saw the developmental therapist today and was complimented on her head shape and tone
-Is now over 4 ½ lbs
-Occupies our picture of the day with a cute picture of my girl hanging out with her Mom


  1. Yay! I am so glad they had a good day. I can't believe Mr. Jack Jack is over 5 and 1/2 lbs! :)

  2. Way to go Jack and Harper!! It won't be long until you all are a family at home.
    Abby is going to be so excited to have a baby brother and sister. :)
