Sunday, February 10, 2013

Six Weeks In A Blink

Six weeks ago today, we heard the cries of our little ones for the very first time.  This afternoon, we heard their now powerful cries again for very different reasons. When Tony and I walked into the NICU after lunch, we heard our little man tuning up; he was hungry and irritated that no one was feeding him at that exact moment.  We also got to hear Miss Harper as she let everyone know she was unhappy about being woken up to have her diaper changed.  My how things have transformed in the last six weeks!

In addition to finding their voices today, our little ones also had some visitors. Nana and Pop made the trek over from Arlington to spend their afternoon holding babies and cooing at their grandchildren. My dad had his first chance to hold Harper who responded by staying awake for almost an hour and listening intently as Pop talked to her.  Nana spent her time with Jack, who has come down with a bad case of newborn rash. Nana must have provided a very comfortable place to sleep, because Jack snoozed in his Nana’s arms all afternoon.

If someone had told me six weeks ago today that this is how I would be spending a Sunday afternoon in February, I wouldn’t have believed them. But after such a great Sunday afternoon, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. 

1 comment:

  1. Mike and I are Nana and Pop, too!!! I know your parents are just besides themselves.
