Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Different View

Today, Jack and Harper had some visitors and got try out something that they’ve never experienced before. Jack and Harper were very happy to welcome their Mimi and Papa back to the NICU for a weekend long visit. Mimi and Papa were surprised by how big the kids have gotten, and how much Tony and I have improved on our baby handling skills. The grandparents also got to hold and snuggle with the kiddos while they ate their lunch. Speaking of eating, both Jack and Harper made improvements in their eating overnight. Jack completed one bottle, finished 75% of a second bottle, and ½ of a third. Jack has never had so many bottles in a 24-hour period and he seems to have done well trying to empty them all. Harper also did much better eating and finished a bottle! She then took 1/3 of her bottle again just a few hours later- now we know she can eat from a bottle, she just doesn’t want to all the time.

The other thing that the kids got to experience today that was brand new was a turn sitting in a baby seat.  The nurses declared the kids big enough (Jack is 5.15 lbs and Harper is 5 lbs even) to sit up under parental supervision, so Tony and I brought up what we had. We appreciate Aunt J for the chairs and here are the pictures of the little ones sitting in big kid seats for the first time- I think they both liked it and will try them out again. Tony and I looked at Harper and thought, “wow, she’s so big now” until we put our little girl in a seat made for bigger kids- she looked lost in the capacity of the chair. Jack also seemed small in his swing, but he made up for his stature by his brave demeanor and didn’t fuss at all while we watched him explore his new perch.  Hopefully these new adventures are just the first small steps as our kids learn to explore the world.

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