Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hats Off

The kids spent this rainy day doing what I love to do on rainy days: snuggling up with a warm blanket and taking lots of naps. They were also visited by their Nana and had a small hat fashion show with Mom before getting their RSV shots and having some quality cuddle time with Dad.

Jack took all of his dayshift bottles today; here’s hoping he keeps up with this trend and takes all of his bottles this evening as well. Because he’s done so well with his feeding, Jack got rid of his Gavage (feeding) tube today (woo hoo) and I’m hoping Harper will see this and decide that she should eat as well. They both also met with the lactation consultant today. Jack nursed for 20 minutes and transferred 22ml- yay Buddy- and he got to try out the football hold; we’re still working on that. Harper nursed for about 10 minutes but was sleepy and tired from finishing her bottle at 8am, so she’s going to have her own lactation appointment early next week.

So, there’s the rundown of the day and here are the pictures of the hat fashion show- enjoy!

P.S. The Scooter and Skeeter hats were made by Aunt J and the SFA hats were made by Aunt Becky- a big shout out to both of them…THANK YOU!!

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