Sunday, April 28, 2013

Whirlwind Weekend

We have been going non-stop this weekend and have the tired, sleeping babies to prove it. On Friday night, we met up with some friends for Tony's belated birthday dinner. We got home a little later than we do on school nights and I got up at 3am to feed Harper, but Tony didn't wake up Jack (truth be told, Tony fell back asleep before he could wake up Jack) and this resulted in Jack sleeping through the night for the very first time! He also slept through the night Saturday night; we will see how he does tonight and if this is a trend.

Saturday was a very busy day for me and the kiddos. We got up early, had breakfast, and then headed to Arlington to see my family and get my haircut. My brother, Tanner, was home from Colorado for the weekend and the kids were happy to hang out with their Uncle T. We also got to see Aunt Becky and Great Granny in addition to Nana and Pop. The kids also went on an adventure to see Miss Deb and watch me get my hair cut. Deb says she thinks Harper is going to have curly hair like her dad- I guess I'll have to learn how to do something with hair besides wash and blow dry.  While we were in Arlington, Tony had the exterminator come out, went to the gym, had lunch, went shopping, and met up with some friends. With both all four of us going non-stop all day, we decided to have a low key evening Saturday night.

Today rounded out our weekend with breakfast at a local restaurant, just the four of us, a trip to the grocery store (that was a first) and the NICU reunion. The grocery store went well, but it is something I know I couldn't do on my own. Tony pushed the stroller and I was responsible for the cart. We were in and out in 30 minutes and managed to make it through the whole store without any screaming from our little shoppers. We decided not to press our luck and shop around, but kept up the quick pace and it worked out for us.

The NICU party was our big Sunday outing. We got to see many of the nurses and doctors who cared for the kiddos and who helped us cope with the "NICU Rollercoaster." It was so nice to be in a group of people who all knew what it was like to have kids that were/are a little bit different. No one said things like "wow, they're small for their age" or "oh, I can't believe they're not _____ yet. When my kids were four months old..." It was refreshing to know that nothing had to be explained to these people.
The theme for the party was the circus and we had fun in the dress up photo booth and we got popcorn from the vendor booth. They had quite a few games and carinval type activites for the bigger kids; I know our twins will have a blast next year when they're a little more mobile.

So, now that the weekend is over, I'm off to feed a couple of kiddos and put them to bed and start the new work week!

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