Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Feels Like Home

Today was another big adventure day for the Collett Circus. Tony and I decided this morning that if I could get everything to jive at the right time, we would go to the gym at 5:30pm- just like old times. This seems like something that would be easy- come home, get the kids ready, get myself ready, meet Tony at the gym...ha ha ha- not so easy.

I got home at 4 and talked to Durinda and grabbed a quick snack and changed clothes (just like normal). I fed Jack at 4:15 and held him for 15 minutes before moving on to sister. At this juncture, we were all on schedule and the gym was looking like it would happen- cue sister. I woke Harper up and talked to her and changed her and got her bottle ready. I sat down to feed Harper at 4:41- plenty of time since we didn't need to leave for the gym until 5:15.  This is where things came to a screeching halt.  Sister was not having any of her 4:30 bottle; she wanted to watch tv, look at the fan, smile at me (she was being adorable), but she did not want to eat. It also didn't help that Jack was having reflux during this time and was screaming like a fire engine. I toggled between feeding Harper and putting Jack's pacifier back in his mouth (at one point, I was using my toe to hold the dumb thing in his mouth). Harper finally decided that she was hungry at 5 pm. Great, I thought, the gym is out of the question. I was irritated, exhausted, and done for the day.

Harper, however, decided that we were all going to the gym. That girl downed her bottle, had two big burps, and was ready for a clothing change and an adventure in the car seat by 5:08. When I finally decided the gym was a go, everything else became a blur. I got Jack changed, both kids in car seats, Tony's gym bag packed, my bag put together, water for the gym, the diaper bag ready and out the door by 5:23.

Yes, we were late to the gym and to sneak in the backdoor and just jump into the class. Yes, the kids fussed a little bit while we were there. Yes, Tony and I both had to scale the workout because we are so out of shape from our time off.  But, it felt so great to be back and the kids got to sit in a prime spot with a little fan action and lots of people who passed by and cooed at them. Tony and I were both so thankful to be back at the gym with all the familiar faces and the people that we've been missing- it felt like coming home.

Pictures of the day go to the two kiddos worn out after their big adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Y'all are incredible...such troopers! It's hard to get out of the house with one baby, I couldn't imagine doing it with two. I'm so impressed :-)
