Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Eating Turn Around

I need to start off by saying I hope that by writing this post, I am not jinxing us. I want to report our news of the day and I hope that this become so common place that we no longer take great notice of it...

This past weekend Harper was not a very good eater; she doesn't like to eat and normally does not finish her bottles. This weekend she seemed like she might be on the verge of a hunger strike and Tony and I decided we would chart her volume intake for a few days this week so we could talk about her eating with more accuracy at the doctor's office next week.

Yesterday morning she ate like normal- nothing great, but she did eat. When I got home yesterday, Durinda said that she was not eating very well for her; this upset me to hear, but was not a surprise at all. I sat down with Harper at 4:30- her normal eating time- and I was happily surprised to see that she took her whole bottle- way to go, Harper! I praised her and then we packed up and headed to the gym.

Well, when we got home last night, Tony fed Harper her 7pm bottle and she decided that she was hungry and she finished that bottle for Tony- good job, Harper!  At 10pm it was my job to feed her. I knew that since Harper finished two bottles in a row, she would probably only take half of her bottle, so I mentally prepared myself for a fight. Boy was I wrong; she downed her 10 pm bottle and settled in to sleep. Harper woke up at 2:55 crying- something very rare for her, but 3am was feeding time, so we assumed she was hungry. I hoped Harper would continue her whole bottle run, but Tony and I were both sad to see that she only took 1/2 of her bottle- much less than her minimum requirement.

When Harper woke up at 5:50am hollering and hungry, we were not surprised and, thankfully, we got her to go back to sleep this morning until her 7am bottle and she downed that thing (of course she did, she was hungry). When I got home today, Durinda said that she didn't do well with her 10 am bottle, but she finished her 1:30 bottle for Durinda and Harper finished her 4:30 bottle for me. She went on to take most of her 7pm bottle for Tony and as I type this we are getting ready for her 10pm bottle- I hope she takes all of that one too.  I don't know if this a new eating trend, but I hope it's here to stay.

On a another note, I had to share this picture of my little man this morning all snuggled up and zonked out after his morning bottle.

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