Sunday, April 14, 2013

Venturing Out

Friday afternoon Tony and I looked at each other and the beautiful weather outside and cabin fever kicked in. We had both worked all day and were tired, but our desire to get out of the house far outweighed the fatigue and we strapped the kids into their adventure chairs and away we went…and we didn’t stop moving all weekend.

Friday night we went out to dinner to a Mexican food restaurant we frequented pre-twins. This time, however, we came in with two babies in tow and were led to the back of the restaurant (past the kitchen) and put in a back room that we’ve never seen before. I looked around and realized that of the 8 tables in this back room, 7 were occupied by families with children 5 years of age or less (including our infants)…this was not our normal Friday night. The kids did great at dinner; Harper woke up as soon as our food arrived, but sat quietly in our arms while we ate. They were so good that we decided to take a walk after dinner and they were great on the walk.

Saturday Tony and I decided it was time to jump back into the gym, so we packed up the traveling circus and went for our beating. The kids were wonderful at the gym and slept the whole time we were working out, then they took their bottles at the gym, were sociable, and even met some new friends. After the gym we went out for lunch with two very sleepy babies who didn’t open their eyes the whole time we were in the restaurant. Then, we had some fun visitors: Nana, Pop, and Great Granny came out to watch the kiddos while Tony and I went to check out some new car possibilities- don’t worry, we came home in our own car and didn’t get tricked by the hard press sell on the way out the door.
Sunday rounded out the adventures for the Collett family circus and we went to Costco. This was an adventure that we had to plan carefully because we knew we didn’t want awake, unhappy babies while we were stuck in the checkout line. We went after the late morning bottles and made sure to pack the stroller in the car (thankful we did that). Tony took the kiddos and I pushed the cart and we were in and out of Costco in under an hour.  The remainder of the day was filled with cooking, laundry, bottle washing, baths, books, and very soon, bedtime.
We forgot to take pictures of the outings themselves; it was hard enough getting all four of us and our gear from place to place. We did, however, get a few pictures of the kids geting ready, and the last two are of the weekend aftermath- naps all round.

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