Friday, April 5, 2013

Stay Awake

The kiddos had a good day today with Miss Durinda. We are trying to get them on some sort of schedule where they will eat, be awake for an hour or so, and then sleep again before the next feeding. Durinda said that they did a pretty good job staying awake for a while after eating and did a good job of sleeping without too much fussing. I never knew how it is to keep an infant awake until we started moving toward this schedule. After work, I have the kids for an hour and a half or so by myself until Tony gets home. Both kids eat within 45 minutes of me coming home, so then after that, I put on a show to keep everyone up.  Picture of the day goes to Harper and Jack and I talking about what went on at school- anything to keep those eyes open.

On another note, the twins go in to get weighed on Friday. While they're there, we're also going to see what can be done for Jack and his reflux. I thought the rice cereal with the forumla was goign to be a huge help, and for a week or so, he didn't have much spitting up and no crying when we burped him. Now, however, things are back to the way they were pre swallow study. We have Jack on Zantac, but he is still refluxing, even 30 mintues to an hour after he eats. He's also back to choking and crying when burps. I feel awful for the poor little guy. Here's hoping the doctor has some tricks to help him.

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