Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Catching Up

I feel like the last few days our house has been on a treadmill. This treadmill started off slowly at a reasonable pace, but this weekend someone kicked it into high gear and turned the incline up- way up.

Let me start by letting everyone know that my dad's surgery went well. They scraped out the tumors- one much bigger than they thought it would be- and he went home yesterday. We get pathology reports next week and then we will go from there. We would appreciate the continued prayers; I know the kids are very greatful for everyone who is praying for their Pop.

Our house has been busy with new sleep schedules, babies who are awake more often, and, last night, a minor meltdown over rice cereal. I think I might have temporarily lost my mind, but I looked at Jack's bottle and thought "this isn't thick enough". I called Tony and we had a very sleepy, hasty discussion about the brand of cereal we use to thicken the formula and that the box we are now using looks different. Poor Tony made four stops after work looking for the cereal box we bought previously- no luck. I sat at home with hungry, crying babies hoping Tony would find exactly what we needed. The night ended in tears, frustration, and no rice cereal; Tony even broke down and emailed the company in desperation. This morning we got word, via a response email, that the company has discontinued the old box- the new box was rolled out a month ago. The rice inside the box is the same as the rice we bought in the old box. So, in short, yesterday I sent my entire household into a frenzy over rice cereal- a false alarm. What a needless mess.

Today was a much better day. We were all a little more rested, a little more forgiving, and a little less on edge. The kids had a good day and were happy when I got home. I got to spend some "spa time" with Harper and give her a bath. She loves her baths and looks all over and smiles- it was a highlight of the day. We also had a visitor, Tony's college roommate, Rob, who stopped by to meet the kiddos. He was here during naptime and he held each kiddo and left just as they were waking up. It was great to see Rob and nice for me to get to walk Abby without feeling like I was leaving Tony shorthanded.

So, tonight, we spent the majority of our time snuggling with kiddos and counting our blessings. Despite the chaos of our lives currently, we are very blessed and sometimes it takes turning that treadmill up high to appreciate it.

Picture of the day goes to our visitor Rob and his meet and greet with the kids.

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