Tuesday, April 30, 2013

It Sure is Monday

Monday-ugh. The day started off bumpy and then sort of became comical towards the end. When we went to the NICU reunion on Sunday, Tony used his keys to start my car and cool it off for the babies, but I drove the car to the reunion, so when we got there, I took the keys out of the ignition and put them in my purse. Needless to say, I got a call from Tony while I was at work asking where his keys were. So, our Monday started off with me walking out of one class, asking a colleague to sit with my kids, and then making a mad dash to deliever keys so Tony could go to work.

When I got home, Durinda said that the kids had been good, but Jack had been a little fussy. I fed them both, including battling little Miss Harper to get her bottle down her. Yes, she was doing better with her feeding, but that was a week ago and we are back to fighting and screaming when she is presented with a bottle. We have an infant who starts screaming the moment you position her to eat and can sometimes get herself so worked up that she will gag and vomit before you can get the bottle into her mouth. Tony and I are going to discuss this with the doctor on Thursday, and hopefully get Harper into a feeding clinic- we shall see.

So, I got everyone fed (Harper finished her bottle, despite being upset) and took them to the gym where Tony met me, grabbed the kids and took them home. I called him on my way home from the gym an hour or so later and he said "come home."  Apparently, the kids had been screaming since he got them home, sometimes one at a time, sometimes together.  When I got home, everyone was crying, dad was muttering, and Abby was hiding. We spent the remainder of the night shuffling kids back and forth from swings to bouncey chairs and laps so we could eat dinner and get the kitchen cleaned.

As you can see, I was lucky enough to get a shower. Everyone was quiet when I walked into the bathroom,  but Tony said from the moment the shower the came on until I came out to pick the kids up, both of them were fussy. So, this is how I spent about an hour tonight. I am very thankful they both fit in my arms so Tony could cook all our food for the rest of the week and I could keep both of them quiet.  What am I going to do when I can't hold two at once?

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