Monday, June 3, 2013

Family of Five

For the past two weeks, we have been a family of seven while Mimi and Nana have been here helping out. This weekend, we became a family of five again. It was so nice of our moms to come up and help us out and take care of the kids, but I know that they are both happy to be sleeping in their own beds.

We had a brief visit from Papa this weekend when he came to get Mimi to head back to Houston. It's always nice to see the grandparents, espeically when you can put them to work!  I told Tony the thing I'm going to miss the most about having extra help in the house was being able to take a shower, or go to the gym, or run to the grocery store without having to worry about moving the kids or taking them along. Oh, I'll also miss the bottles getting washed, the laundry being done, and my kids being so happy to each have a grandma to give them her full attention.

This weekend wasn't terribly exciting- a low key couple of days that were much needed as I gear up for the last week of school. I've told Tony since we brought Harper home from the hosptial that I thought she would sleep through the night the Friday night after school got out- you know, just as a bit of irony.  Right now, Harper doesn't wake up to eat, but because she's under 10 lbs, we wake her and feed her at 3 am; she needs the calories. So, Tony and I weighed the kids this weekend to see if we are any closer to our goal of 10 lbs with Harp. She weighed in at 9 lbs and 7 oz; so, not the 10 we were hoping for, but she is still gainning weight and seems to be doing well. She is also the queen of tummy time and can hold her head up and squak like a champ.

Jack, on the other hand, weighs a little more than 9 lbs 7 oz- he tipped the scale at 13 lbs. We had to weigh Jack on the adult scale because we didn't think he would sit in the bowl without toppling over.

The most exciting of the moment of the weekend goes to Jack this week. While I was on the phone with my mom on Sunday night, I put Jack and Harper on their backs on their play mat. Both of them were watching the birds spin and the lights flash, so I went to the sink to rinse out bottles and get ready for the next feeding. I came back to the mat about 90 seconds- 2 minutes later and I found Jack on the carpet. He had rolled from his back almost totally onto his tummy; he just had his arm stuck under him, or he would've been flat on his belly. I was telling my mom I didn't think it would be long before he figured out how to pull that other arm through, then suddenly, Jack pulled the other arm through and he was flat on his belly with no assitance from us. I was so exicted that I ran to get Tony and when we got back, Jack was working his way back onto his back. I got a picture of him mid roll, but was too excited running to get Tony that I missed the opprotunity to get a shot of him on his belly.

So, our weekend had an exciting end and I'm sure it won't be long before both kids are rolling all over the place. We are also very excited to have Durinda back today; I know the kids missed her and I'm sure she won't believe how big they've gotten in the two weeks she's been gone.  Here's a shot of them last night- note that Harper's legs are moving like crazy; I'm also including a picture of Harper playing in her brother's chair; again, note the legs moving like crazy- anyone sense a theme here?

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