Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

First, let me start by saying that, yes, I know that it's Tuesday and that we've been holding our breath all week waiting for Tuesday to arrive. We went to the GI today and I really liked him; he had a great bedside manner and was good with Harper. He also gave me some advice that I'm taking to heart and was very happy to hear- among them, Harper needs to be treated like a normal kid and we don't need to agonize over every drop she eats (or doesn't eat) or weigh her everyday. He said that if she didn't want to eat, there wasn't anything that I could do to force it down her; I needed to hear that. I needed to have that peace that I was doing all I could to help her. With that being said, he did give us some suggestions for making feedings a much better experience for all of us; we have decided to wait and see what the feeding clinic has to say tomorrow and then make an informed decision how to proceed.  So, stay tuned for the update tomorrow.

The exciting news around our house is that we now have two rollers! Last night Harper rolled from back to front for the first time- then she proceeded to roll back to front four or five more times. She was very excited to have this rolling thing figured out and spent the day to rolling all over the place.  My mom stayed with the kids yesterday and today while I was working and she warned me that Harper was on the move all day long.

We have yet to have a rolling collision, mostly because Jack just uses his rolling skills to sleep on his side or tummy, but I know that we're going to have a much more lively house now, that's for sure!

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