Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Jack's GI Visit

Jack and I went to see the gastrointerologist yesterday, yes, the same one who looked at Harper two weeks ago.  He seemed concerned that Jack was back to screaming after eating and has decided to try a two-pronged treatment approach:

-Jack is now on Neocate, a formula that is made mostly of corn syrup, soy, coconut oil, and sunflower oil and simple protiens which contain no lactose. The thought is that Jack may be allergic to something in the Enfacare; so the Neocate is a trial food study to see if he responds better to this.

-Jack is also goign to have a sonogram of his abdomen sometime in the next week. The doctor just wants to make sure everything is okay internally.

Of course, we're hoping the Neocate works for him and the sonogram shows nothing out of the oridinary. The doctor has also suggested taking Jack off his Prevacid because he said it's obiviously not working. I'm a little hesitant to do that because I think, "what if it helps,  it just doesn't help enough", so we're going to gradually wean him off of the meds instead of stopping right away.

So, aside from the Jack update, there are a few cute pictures of the kiddos playing that I have to include in this post. The old green quilt that we've turned into the living room playmat is the new favorite spot. It's so neat to watch the kids roll around, grab and play with toys, and make noise. Both of these pictures feature our little spitfire, Harper. Because she can move in so many different ways now, she gets herself into all sorts of contorted positions and, poor Jack, ends up being her punching bag (or kicking bag).  Pay close attention to her face in the picture where she's stuck on her stuffed dog (she rolled over and the dog was in the way, but she didn't care). The little grin that she's making in that picture is the new looks he gives us when we do something that she thinks is funny- too cute!

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