Sunday, June 30, 2013

6 Months Today

It is hard to imagine how much our lives have changed in the last year. I can't believe that six month ago Tony and I were bringing two little lives into the world. I never dreamed that the days that seem so long would turn into months that pass so quickly; I looked back over the pictures we have of them in the NICU and it feels like yesterday and it feels like an alternative life all at once. We are so blessed to celebrate Harper and Jack's half birthday today- happy six months kiddos!

To celebrate, here are some quick updates:

-now rolls over with a purpose (new on Friday)
-loves to chew on his hands
-transfers objects hand to hand with ease
-grins big and arches his eyebrows
-likes to read books with his mom

-rolls over, pulls her knees up and pushes off to crawl (any day now)
-can scoot backwards
-grabs objects she's interested in and puts everything to her mouth
-is very interested in Abby
-grins and squeals when excited
-likes to play "Superman" with her dad

The twins also tried their first foods this week- carrots. The carrots weren't so much of a hit, but we're going to keep at it. Mostly, they both just pushed the food around their mouths and spit it out or ate just a little bit; they did make a mess, though.

We also spent the night at Nana and Pop's last night because Tony and I went to the Ranger game and my mom and Granny watched the kiddos. This was their first overnight trip and the kids were great, even did well at church this morning. We got home today just in time to get ready for the Collett/Sloma crew to arrive in Frisco. We are so excited to have Tony's parents and his sister and her family in town for the week. Get ready for lots of cousin adventure pictures.

Happy 6th Month birthday, Harper and Jack, we love you very, very much!

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