Saturday, January 12, 2013

Two Steps Forward and One Step Back

I apologize for the late post. I was in the NICU for 10 hours yesterday and it was a little emotionally overwhelming, to say the least. Our kiddos are doing well- Praise God! 

Jack made his weight goal of 1500 grams, which now makes him eligible to wear clothes; he is proudly sporting his first ever shirt! He was also eligible to be swaddled at 1500 grams, something Tony and I have practiced on a plastic doll, but never tried on a squirming little one. Jack managed to pull out one arm every time, but other than that seems happy with his new “burrito” status. 

Harper had to take a very small step backward today, but nothing we are worried about or did not expect. Both Harper and Jack were taken off their nasal cannulas on the same day- which was a surprise to us because Harper has always been a little behind Jack. When I got to the NICU this morning, she had her nasal cannula back in. I spoke with the nurse practitioner who said Harper is doing great and she just needed a little tuft of oxygen to remind her body to take deep breaths. She is so small and she wasn’t ready to be born yet, so all the things that most babies know how to do intuitively are things that she has to practice and learn.  When I look at her, I know she’s small, but I have to remind myself just how small she is. She weighs less than a ½ gallon of milk. With that being said, she is up 30 grams over night and her goal is to hit her birth weight of 2 lbs. 14 oz.

The emotionally draining part of the day was watching the family of baby Avery across the room as they came in two by two to look at her in her incubator. My heart broke for the family when we heard there had been no improvement in Avery’s status. I don’t know if Harper will have a neighbor when we walk in this morning, or if they released their sweet angel to fly home overnight. Please keep praying for their family; they need all the prayers that can be lifted up for them.

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