Saturday, May 24, 2014

Nana and Uncle Tanner Come to Town

I know that my blog post have become less frequent; I would like to say that this is because I'm so busy running through the backyard with two toe-headed toddlers, or rolling around on the floor giggling with a little girl, or reading books to a boy who turns the pages for me. Sadly, however, these things are not done often enough and the real reason I haven't blogged is because school is winding down and the stress levels are ramping up. I have two weeks left to go, and it will be mind over matter to make it to the finish line. In the meantime, I am partaking in as many silly dances, walks around the neighborhood, and bedtimes stories as I can to keep my sanity. Come on summer!

In order to help us keep our sanity while Durinda is on vacation, my mom came to visit this week to help with the kiddos, and they were excited to see her. Jack and Harper kept Nana busy this week playing inside and outside, dancing, reading books, fixing meals and snacks, snuggling, and watching Thomas and Friends. 

On Tuesday afternoon, Uncle Tanner came out to take me to lunch and to see the kids. It was great to see Tanner; I hadn't seen him since Christmas and my students were intrigued that my brother was in their class. I think that Tanner was surprised by Harper and Jack; he hadn't gotten a chance to see those kids in five months (except via Skype) and Tanner couldn't believe how big they'd gotten. He kept saying, "they do real people things"- ha! Here's what the kids looked like the last time Tanner saw them...
 Jack was instantly friends with Tanner and even let Tanner carry him around. I knew that they two of them would get along when Tanner showed Jack how to kick the ball in the backyard- instant bonding. Harper, on the other hand, was a little leery of Uncle Tanner; she watched him from a distance and tried to size him up. By the time Tanner left on Wednesday, Harper was doing anything she could to get his attention; she loves to grin at him.

The kids enjoyed having Uncle Tanner here :)

Tanner left on Wednesday, but Nana stayed through the week. Tony and I are so thankful for the help that both of our moms are giving us (Mimi starts her week with the twins on Monday). It was so sweet to hear Harper squeal and say "Nana!" when my mom went into the Twins' room after their naps.  Jack man also loved spending time with his Nana and climbing into her lap to read books. 
There were also some discoveries while Nana was here visiting. Jack and Harper learned about popper push toys and had a great time trying them out. Tony says now we just need to swap out the toy for a vacuum cleaner, and we're all set!  

Speaking of Jack, he also made a fun discovery in the backyard this week. After the lawn treatment man had come, there was a treatment sign in our backyard. Jack made a beeline for the sign while we were playing, and plucked that sign out of the yard- check out his face when he did this. Jack walked around with this sign acting like it was a flag, a hammer, and a golf club before letting Harper try it out. 
 Jack also learned something new this week- he can now climb onto the couch himself. When did he get to be such a big boy?
So, that was our week, and now we are curled up on the couch resting and gearing up for next week. Thank you, Nana and Uncle Tanner, for helping us this week and making our week fun!

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