Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Big Man

We survived the first day of school! Our schedule has been changed a bit, and I feel like Tony and I are on a time clock from the moment we wake up until we fall into bed, but we will make it work.

The subject of the blog today is our little Jack man who is getting so big.  Durinda and I were talking about how much he's grown and she referenced these two pictures.  The first picture was taken just a couple of months ago, and the second picture was taken on Monday.

It's amazing to me how much he's changed in such a short time. I guess I don't notice it because I see them everyday, but looking at these pictures, it's obvious that the little baby phase is a thing of the past. I know I can't keep him little, and it's so neat to see all the things he's learning, but there are times I would snuggle with little baby Jack, if given the chance.

Tomorrow I'll post sister so you can see how big Harper is now!

Off to bed; according to my new schedule, I have 7 minutes to fall asleep so I can squeeze in seven hours before we're up and running again...

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