Monday, July 22, 2013

Therapy Success

Harper did a great job at therapy today- she was a little rock star! Our normal therapist is on vacation, so we saw a different person today and Harper responded really well to this therapists techniques. She had Harper sit on the floor with her to eat (instead of a Bumbo chair) and Miss Harper finished her bottle (she will normally only take an ounce during her appointment). Because Harper ate her bottle so well, she got to move on to some rice cereal and pureed squash.  I was a little hesitant about this because Harper has pretty much just pushed the food I've tried to give her around with her tongue and out down her chin. The therapist showed me some tricks to get Harper to eat and swallow what she's eating and that Little One really liked eating. She ate 5-6 really good bites and smiled and did a great job.

When we got home I tried out some oatmeal and squash with Jack; he took a couple of bites, but seemed very skeptical about this whole spoon business. I also tried giving Harp some squash and oatmeal again, but she was not as excited about eating for me at home. I will try again tomorrow. The one thing that we learned at therapy that did work today for me was a new way to sit while feeding the kids. This is the position the therapist used to feed Harper and she ate really well like this. While feeding Harp, the therapist said, "this works great with multiples too" and I thought, "I will never be able to feed the kids at the same time, so it won't work for me."  Well...never say never...

The kids got a little off their feeding schedule and were both due to eat while Tony and I were at the gym, so I decided to feed everyone 30 minutes early- no problem...except Tony wasn't home from work yet, and when he did get home, we would have 15 minutes before we had to leave. So, I thought "what have I got to lose?" and here is the result....

Pretty cool, huh? I felt like a real twin mommy!

Oh, and while I'm at "mommy moments" both Jack and Harper surprised me today. At the gym, someone opened the door to the kids' room and I saw Jack and waved at him, and then the door closed and I could hear him start crying. I guess I hadn't realized he recognized me and wanted to be with me- kinda sweet that he wants to be with his Momma. Harper also looked to me quite a bit today when the new therapist came in; she didn't smile or really interact until I started talking and laughing with the therapist. I never realized how much the kids look to me as they decide how to respond to a situation- this will be something I need to remember for years to come; it will be motivation for me to act the way I want them to mimic. So, here's hoping I can be a good example!

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