Friday, July 19, 2013

Our Trip to Nana and Pop's

The kids, Abby,  and I took a little mini-vacation this week to see my parents in Arlington. The drive was an hour each way and we stayed two nights, so it was a good trial run for a potential longer weekend trip sometime in the fall.

We left late Tuesday morning and the kids did a great job on the drive- no tears and lots of napping. Packing to leave took me all morning, and putting everything in the car, including the stroller, and allowing Abby a spot to sit in, was like a giant Tetris game (I think a bigger car will be in our future). Tuesday afternoon we played in the living room and looked around Nana and Pop's place; Harper and Jack were wide-eyed taking everything in. Even though they've been there a few times before, it was like they were seeing everything for the first time. We ended Tuesday night watching the All-Star game; Jack came prepared with his All-Star pjs and had a good time sitting with Pop and talking baseball.

The kids also got to sleep in my old baby bed (Tanner's old baby bed too), so it was neat to get to see them all stretched out together. I also took a picture last time we were at Mom and Dad's of Jack with my very first teddy bear, Huggy- I thought this might be a good time to share that one as well.

Wednesday mom and I packed up the kids and took them on their first shopping trip. We went to the new outlet mall in Grand Prarie and strolled around so I could get some back-to-school items. Harper was a great shopper! She sat in her seat and looked at everything going by and smiled at the people who talked to her; she didn't fuss, even once. Jack was a little fussier when we would stop moving the stroller, but the moment we got outside to move store-to-store, he would laugh and squeal- that boy loves being on the move and loves being outside.

We wrapped up our Wednesday night with a very special birthday celebration. My Granny turned 87 on the 17th, so we went to dinner and had cake and ice cream at Mom and Dad's with our family. Here are some pictures of the kiddos with the birthday girl. They love their Great Granny and we were so glad we got to spend some time with her on her birthday.

One more birthday shout-out to Aunt J, Tony's sister Jennifer, who also had a birthday on the 17th. She has been an amazing aunt to the kiddos, and a big help to their Momma. I hope you had a great birthday, Aunt J!

On the dockett today is a follow-up trip to the pediatric GI for Miss Harper to do a weight check and see how her eating has progressed. Prayers are appreciated and updates will be coming.

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