Tuesday, July 30, 2013

7 Months Old

I feel like I've been a great blogger this week and have been posting so much that I don't have a whole lot of "new" information to share on the twins 7 month birthday that I haven't already shared this week.

We've been putting the kids to bed earlier at night and they've been doing well sleeping until about 7 each morning, but this morning Jack was up and talking in his bed at 5:45. This was much too early for our schedule, so Tony grabbed little man and I got to snuggle with him until he fell back asleep. While he was snuggling with me, he was cooing and babbling and playing with my hands- grabbing my palm, wrapping his smooth, little fingers around my fingers, and running his hands over my arm. It was the perfect way to start my day. It was the way I wish their birth would've gone- with me snuggling a baby, but 7 months later, I'll take our story and our path because it has lead me to precious moments like this one.

7 months ago, Tony and I had no idea how our lives would change and how dramatic the change would be- it has been drastic and chaotic and trying and beautiful and breathtaking and indescribeable. So, here's to you, Jack-Jack and Harp, Momma and Daddy love you very much and can't wait to see what the next 7 months hold for all of us!

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