Thursday, May 30, 2013

What a Week (and it's only Wednesday)

Things around our house have been different from the norm this week. Both Mim and Nana are staying with us while Durinda is out of town. They have been a wonderful, much needed, and much appreciated help.

While they've been here our schedule has gotten a little out of sorts simply because we have four adults here after work and we can do things that normally can't with just me and Tony. For instance, Tony and I have been working out at the same time this week- something we only imagined possible after the kiddos came along.

You'd think with the extra help and extra time on my hands, I'd have lots of time to blog, and get caught up on my grading, and get everything done I need to- wrong. Somehow, I have managed to do less with more- go figure.

We have had some minor drama around our house that had contributed to the lack of productivity. Jack has his first cold complete with choking drainage and constant drool-  poor guy. He was so congested yesterday that Tony took him to the doctor; she said we have to let it runs its course. So, lots of nose suctioning and sailne solution and humidifiers for the next week or so.

We also have a broken garbage disposal. It backed up on Tuesday night and when we went to hit the "reset" button, I noticed there was standing water under the sink. When you run water in the kitchen sink, it now leaks out of the bottom of the garbage disposal. One clean up crew later and a big bucket, we are still living without a kitchen sink while we wait for the repairman tomorrow.

Harper also had a night last night unlike any she's ever had. She does not like to sit- my daughter is not a solitary creature, even when she's sleeping. Last night, I did not get up and walk her when she cried- I didn't want to walk her; I was tired and wanted her to go to sleep. This was the beginning of the battle of wills and it lasted about 30 minutes. Harper won- eventually I got up and walked her and when I sat down again, she got so upset, she cried so hard, that she choked and threw up- ugh- not the outcome I was looking for. So, I sat covered in baby vomit while my child still screamed, trying to figure out how I was going to calm down enough myself to calm down this little fury.

Thankfully, my mom was here to help me. Though I was more irritated than thankful at the time, she managed to get me calm and Harper calm and then I could get Harper to sleep. I was so thankful to be able to go to bed last night- what a night.

On a brighter note, Pop and Great Granny came to see the kids yesterday. I leave you with a couple of pictures of their play date; the kids had a great time!

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