Monday, May 20, 2013

Weekend Visitors

We were blessed this weekend to have some family visitors who have decided to stay on and help while our Miss Durinda is on vacation.

Nana came out Wednesday night and stayed until Saturday to help with kids while Tony and I worked and spent some much needed time working in our neglected yard on Saturday morning. The kids were nice for Nana and only had one meltdown which didn't last too long.

Saturday afternoon Mimi and Papa came up to see the kids and to deliver Mimi who is going to join Nana on our childcare team for the next two weeks. We are so thankful and lucky to have family so close who are willing to help when we need it. I think the Grandmas are pretty excited to be here and to be able to love on their grandkids all day- they don't even have to fight over who gets to hold a baby!

Jack and Harper had a good weekend. We decided to let Harper dictate her own feeding schedule which worked out really well for one day- she took more out of her bottle than she ever had before. The second day, she took a little less...the third day, she took a little, now back to the drawing board a little bit.

We also had bottle science lab going on in our kitchen Sunday afternoon. We thicken their bottles with Beech Nut rice cereal. Some bottles seem very thick- almost like pudding- while other bottles seem thin. Tony and I were baffled by the inconsistent results even when using the same mixture. So, Debbie and Tony got in the kitchen and mixed up several bottles. After a couple of hours, we settled on a method that seems to be working.

Aside from their feeding, we spent a little time this weekend making some improvements around the house- including hanging some art work in the kids' room and putting together a little rocker that Jack really likes. We also ventured out to dinner with the kiddos and Mimi and Papa. The kids were great and didn't even cry when the food was served (like they have in the past).

Tony and I are both so thankful that the kids are happy and healthy and growing and we treasure weekends spent with the little ones just watching them smile.

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