Saturday, March 14, 2015

Home...part 2

Two years ago today I sat down and put together an entry entitled "home" that celebrated us brining Harper home from the hospital after a 74 day stay. I remember writing that leaving the NICU was bitter sweet because the hospital was the only home that Harper had ever known, and I honestly didn't know if Tony and I could handle two kids, especially one with feeding issues like Harper. Our biggest fear was getting this girl home only to have her return to the hospital because couldn't give our daughter everything that she needed to thrive.

Here we are two years later, and I am happy to report that our spunky little girl is doing well, and today no longer marks a bitter sweet day, but it marks a day of victory- the day our family became complete- the day the five of us (Abby included) finally stood in one room together and all breathed the same air and we could hold each other and laugh and cry together. No more touch times, or nurses, or gowns and compulsive hand washing (the hand washing might have lingered for another few months), and we are eternally grateful that our little girl has done so well at home.

Everyone told us that one day the NICU would just be a memory, but when we were living the long days and sleepless nights, we never believed them. Now, on the other side of the experience, I realize that two years ago today we started putting that experience behind us and we've never looked back.

So, here's to you, my lovely Harper Marie, you have taught me so much about what it means to thrive - you push your daddy and I to see the world in a new way everyday, and we can't imagine our lives without you in it. Congratulations on your two year "graduation" anniversary!

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