Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mid-Week Silly Faces

Our house has been filled with giggles (and whines), and squeals (and cries), and lots of smiles (and lots of tears).  It's amazing to me how the kiddos can go from throwing a fit about not getting something they want (like the tv remote) to laughing and chasing each other around the living room. Sometimes I wish my attention span was that short and that I could get over things as quickly as they do.

Harper and Jack are quickly approaching 13 months old, and they are learning to communicate better (Harper can sign "more" and Jack insists on hearing you sing "The ABC's" by pointing to the alphabet wall in the nursery), and they are making some great silly faces and getting themselves into some pretty funny situations.  The past two days the kids have made us laugh and shake our heads, and I thought this would be the perfect time to share these silly pictures. I love that the little ones have such big personalities-enjoy!
Miss Harper having a snack- this is her "one more Cherrio, please" smile
Jack's mean face
Harper's crazy hair
Jack's favorite past time- emptying everything
Harper trying to tame that hair
Watching TV in the toy box
Climbing in the toy box- check out that face! 

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