Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Full Circle

It's hard to imagine, but as of today our twin blog is a year old. One year ago today, I penned a post entitled "Double Trouble" and recounted the first week of Jack and Harper's lives. Wow, I can't believe how long ago that seems now. We were counting the kids' weight in grams and we were worried about nasal cannulas and heart rate monitors. I am very proud to report that many things have changed since the first day I sat down to blog, and in a very fitting fashion, we went to see the pediatrician today for Jack and Harper's one year check up. So, I'll start with some stats that shows just how far these little ones have come in just 12 short months:

Weight- 19lbs 10oz (40%) One year ago today he was around 3lbs, 4 oz
Height- 28.5 inches (35%)
Head- 18.5 inches (88%)

He got an A+ in his development and the doctor was very excited to see him clapping and babbling. He  didn't fuss at all when he was getting examined and he was interested in the eye exam tool. The pediatrician said Jack looked great; no new teeth are coming in, but he the two he has look great. She wasn't concerned that he walks on his toes; she said at this age, it's pretty common. She said Jack looked like a happy, healthy boy- WOO HOO!

Weight- 15lbs 15oz (3%- she finally made it on the non-adjusted, true age growth curve!) One year ago today she was around 2 lbs, 10 oz
Height- 27.3 inches (3%)
Head- 18.5 inches (92%)

Harper also got an A+ in her development. Our pediatrician was very happy with her growth and her progress along the growth chart. We asked about her head size, and the doctor looked at her head measurements for the last year and said she didn't think there was any concern for hydrocephalus. She told us Harper did have a large spike in her growth, but that was also the same month that she started eating and we saw a big spike in her weight and height growth as well. The doctor also thought her head shape and tilt looked better. It was wonderful to hear positive comments!

Both kiddos had three shots, but they took them like champs; the tears were over pretty quickly and aside from early bedtimes, they seemed fine. We also found out that we can make the move from formula to finger foods with the goal of being totally bottle free by April. It's amazing to think that there's an end in sight for the bottle battles, and overwhelming to think that we have another mountain to climb. We're hoping for a smooth transition; I'm sure there will be lots of reading and praying involved...wish us luck!

Here are some pictures of the little ones this week; look at how big they're getting. When I was holding Jack tonight, I realized that he's looking more like a little boy everyday and less and less like a baby. Harper took her first fledgling steps tonight- 3 steps from my arms to Tony's arms; we are so excited for her and she squealed with accomplishment and grinned from ear to ear! To look at the two of them is to see the last fading moments of babyhood leaving our house; they'll be toddlers before we know it and I want to slow the days down so I can memorize all the things that I'll miss later. I feel like I'm constantly asking "where do the days go?"

One year ago today I sat at the kitchen table and blogged about two babies that were miles away and only days old. Now, I'm sitting in bed with my babies sleeping just a wall away and they're healthy, curious, and mobile. Thank you, Lord, for all your blessings. We have come full circle.
Holding Hands After the Doctor

Chatting with Abby
Little Climber
Double Fistin' It

Making a Plan

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