Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Job Woes

Right now on Facebook I have quite a few friends who are participating in the idea of expressing grattitude in Novemember and each day they post something they're thankful for. Today, more than ever, I feel the need to sit down and make a list of all the things I have- all the things I'm thankful for. 

Today has been a rough day for the Frisco Colletts. Tony went to work a little early this morning because he had a whole office "town hall" meeting (that's about 400 people). Tony sent me a text from the meeting with a press release saying that his company was cutting their workforce by 20% and closing their Dallas office. My heart sank; I knew there were two options: Tony would be relocated to the Devner office, or he would lose his job. He met with HR this afternoon and as of 4:45, Tony is officially unemployed.

The past 12 months have brought a myriad of emotions, but I think fear has been the overwhelming sensation in our house. When we found out we were having twins, we were shocked and scared. When I went to the hospital at 28 weeks, we sat and cried for fear of the unknown. When the babies were born early, we were terrified. As we sat and listened to the monitors beep in the NICU, the fear was palpable. Bringing Jack home made us nervous and anxious- what if we didn't do everything right? Bringing Harper home and dealing with all the feeding issues had us petrified. Today, we find ourselves living out some of those "fear of the unknown" emotions all over again.

I know that we have so much to be grateful for and we are very blessed- Jack and Harper are living proof of that fact, but tonight I ask for your prayers for our little family. We knew this year wouldn't be easy, but we never dreamt it would be like this. At least we have these two little ones to remind us what's important and to keep our spirits up.  Here's hoping tomorrow is better than today...

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