Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Graduate

Today Harper had a doctor's appointment with her pediatric gastro guy. Throughout Harper's eating challenges, this doctor has been a voice of reason and clarity for me. He's the one who assured us that Harper would eat when she was ready and helped us increase her calorie count without losing our minds. I really like this doctor and today was bittersweet for us. Tony and I are happy to report that Miss Harper has been growing and now weighs in at 14lbs even. The doctor said she looks great and is doing well; she's a little thin for her size with a low BMI, but the doctor said for a preemie girl, she looks on target. He was very impressed that she eats food from a spoon and has increased her formula intake in the last few months. He encouraged us to keep with the higher calorie formula and keep up the same schedule (despite Harper not eating a bottle each day). The doctor said that she'll eat when she's hungry and hearing those words were very freeing. If she doesn't eat a bottle, it's not my fault or Tony's fault- she just isn't hungry right then and will eat next time...and we've been doing that for three months and guess what? It's working. So, we have now graduated from the care of this doctor- we no longer need feeding therapy for Harper, and now we no longer need a GI...thank you, Lord, for all our blessings. Too bad we're graduating from the doctor who made me feel the most at ease.

In other news, the kids have been having lots of fun roaming all over the living room. Now that the child gates are in place, they have more freedom to roam in their play place and they are taking full advantage of it.
Abby found a bunny
Watching Abby stalk the bunny
Give me some room!
Watching the rain
Teaming up
Helping Mom with laundry
Look what I can open!

So, here's to our little graduate girl- we wish you happy eating, Harper!

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