Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Day in the Life...

These two little ones have been blowing and going all week, playing, taking walks, digging in the backyard, and helping me "cook".
I know that all of these blog posts seem to be lamenting how quickly time goes by and providing evidence of how big this kids are getting, but the days fly by and one day I look up and these two bright little faces are staring back at me and they're not babies anymore- not at all.

Now they're walking around in Mommy's shoes

Playing "mommy" to their dolls

And driving their cars around the house

The kids are also still very much into their books
And now they're interested in watching Sesame Street (Jack even lays on the floor to watch TV- like father like son).

These two little ones have also started talking up a storm- Harper is on a roll and it's so fun to hear her trying on new words every day. In fact, the highlight of this week, so far, has been Harper saying her own name for the very first time. We were looking at pictures of the kids and when Harper would see Jack, she would say "Ack", but when she saw herself, she had a hard time expressing who she saw. I asked Jack who was in the picture and he said "Harp-ur", then I asked Harper to say "Harper" and she replied "Hop-A"and was delighted with herself.

Since then, she's tried on some new words, notably "leash", "potato", and- her favorite- "Abby" which comes out "Abb-A".

I can't describe the joy I felt when I heard Harper say her name. I kept thinking this little girl who depended on a machine to breath for her, who was labeled "failure to thrive", who spent so much time pointing in lieu of speaking, was now saying her own name- it brought tears to my eyes.

We rounded out this week with some yummy spaghetti- so Harper thought- and a new one-word phrase that Jack is making the most of. I got him some spaghetti and he tried it and made a face. He ate his veggies, but wouldn't go back to the spaghetti- I tried again by offering him a fork full to which he replied "Nope!" I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing and tried one more time to which he, again, replied "Nope!" So, Jack got to have some garlic noodles (minus the tomato sauce which he, apparently, did not like). Here are the pictures of the aftermath:

One last picture from this week features Harper's favorite girl, "Abb-A" who found herself in the bathroom while the kids were taking a bath (something that has never happened before) and I got to snap this shot.

Abby seems to be pleading "please don't put me in the tub next!"

Our week has been busy, and we are very much looking forward to a relaxing weekend; we'll see what adventures are in store for us!

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