Wednesday, February 26, 2014


We officially have two toddlers in our house. On Sunday Jack started walking; it was like he looked at Harper and said "hmm...I think I'll do that today" and then he just pulled up and walked. Jack walks slowly and deliberately while little sister Harper zips around walking from one side of the room to the next. Harper is now learning to navigate around objects, slow her speed when she gets going too quickly, and yesterday, she picked up a stuffed dog and carried it with her as she walked one side of the room to the other. I am so proud of these two little ones, both moving at their own speed, both reaching their goals, both becoming walkers by their "first year" (adjusted age).

I decided this week that I needed to take some shots of H & J playing so I can remember what these days are like. I recently read a blog about slowing down life and enjoying the moments to fully appreciate all that you have. I think taking these pictures has forced me to put down the iPhone, take my eyes off the tv, abandon the grading, laundry, other numerous chores, and really spend time appreciating the kids at play. So, here are some pictures of the kiddos- enjoy!




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