Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Update

So many little things, so many new discoveries; here's an update on Jack and Harper.

Jack is turning into quite the little reader and lights up when anyone mentions books. He loves to pull books off the shelf in his room and sit on the floor and flip through the pages. He is also enthralled with the alphabet wall in the kids' room and grins from ear to ear when we point and sing the "ABC's".  He is taking his first tentative steps- 3 in a row is his record so far- and he does really well standing and squating down. Jack also likes music and attempts to do the hand motions when we sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider". He's still our adventurous eater and will try anything we put in front of him. He really liked the chopped beef he had for lunch yesterday and cinnamon ice cream that he tired at dinner last night. Jack also loves to watch TV, and has been especially impressed with the Olympics, thus far. Jack also has a new found enjoyment for emptying the toy box and sitting inside- something he tries to do almost daily.  He is also still a very smiley, drooly guy who knows how to make us laugh with his silly faces and belly laughs. I know that one day he won't want to snuggle with me in the morning, but I really love that he snuggles with me now.

Harper is our girl on the move and will now take 8-10 steps at a time. She's starting to venture into the center of the room and cross from one piece of furniture to another without having a person as her destination point. Harper is doing much better with her food sampling. I was impressed when she ate her broccoli tonight without hesitation, and she's been willing to try anything off our plates (she is not a fan of slimey things like fruit or cucumbers, or whole milk).  Harper has also come up with her own sign language and lets us know that she's thirsty by raising her hand until we had over her cup. This is not limited to just times in her high chair; if she's playing and gets thirsty, she will stop and raise her hand until her water cup is brought to her. Harper is also listening to everything we say and picks up on things I never thought she would. For instance, today I noticed she was missing a sock and said, "Harper, where is your sock?" to which she stopped playing, looked at me, then walked around the music table to pick up her abandoned sock and proudly hold it in the air. I think this girl is going to give us a run for our money. She likes to play with Jack and is really into touching his hair right now (whether he likes it or not). She's also working on cutting 3- YES 3- teeth right now- yipes! Even with all those chompers coming in, she still manages to giggle and grin and gets me laughing every time.

The kiddos go to the developmental specialist on Friday, so we'll have the run down on heights, weights, and "check-up" notes then; hopefully we'll have some fun things to report.

One last note tonight: tomorrow is Tony's first day at his new job; please send lots of positive thoughts his way!

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