Friday, March 15, 2013


Today ended our NICU adventure- 75 days after it began and 93 days after I was admitted to the hospital. Tony has driven to the hospital everyday since December 12th and has been a rock for our little family; I don’t even want to imagine how we would do this without him.

We arrived at the hospital this morning at 9am and went through the discharge rundown with the nurses. We fed Harper one more time, got a visit from the doctor who helped Harper turn it around- so thankful for him, packed up her room, and were out the door by 11am.  When Harper came home, she had quite the welcome wagon; Mimi, Nana, Great Granny, Jack and Abby were all waiting in the living room to greet her as her proud daddy carried her inside. After some photo ops with everyone, we let Jack and Harper see each other for the first time. They didn’t seem too interested at first, but they did eventually see their sibling. Jack seemed much more interested in seeing Harper than Harper did in seeing Jack; in fact, he looked at her wide eyed while she stared out the window. Harper has spent her day looking around and trying to decide just where in the heck she is. She’s getting used to all the new sights and sounds and doggie whiskers that brush by her while she’s sitting in her bouncy seat. She seems to like around here- so far, so good.

Tony, Debbie and I put together an overnight feeding schedule and are trying to decide just how efficient we can be with two different babies, on two different types of bottles, eating at two different times. We’ll see how this works. Right now, I am just basking in the glow of family. I got to hold both of my children at the same time today. I got to watch them sleeping next to each other in their bouncy chairs. I got to hear their cries fill our house. I am blessed. Yes, I’m even blessed to hear their crying- I wouldn’t trade it for peace and quiet.

I want to thank everyone for all of their encouragement, thoughts, and prayers. Tony and I could not have imagined the outpouring of love we would receive as we ventured down this path. I am going to continue to blog- I will shoot for everyday, but I make no promises!  I will let you know how the night goes tonight- please everyone, say a quick prayer for rest for these little ones and for the loving hands who care for them. Praise God to have them home!

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