Sunday, January 13, 2013

Another Long Day in NICU

Tony and I spent the whole day in the NICU while the house was getting painted. A big shout out to Laura, Miguel, and Charlotte who took us to brunch and Heidi, Jeff, Madeline, Chrissy, and Rob who got us out of the NICU for a good Mexican food dinner. It helps to have your friends to keep you sane.

Jack and Harper both looked great today! Harper had to move to a high flow nasal cannula, which means she now has a little oxygen tank by her bedside (the low flow came from the wall).  The doctor explained that her numbers were dipping a bit, so they decided to up the tuft of air she was getting. This is not a big deal and I’m not worried in any way, especially since I went to kiss her goodnight last night and found that she did not have her nasal cannula in her nose, but instead had pulled it out and was sucking on it! Ha! I think this girl is going to be stubborn like her mother….uh-oh.

Both Jack and Harper are continuing to grow; Jack was up another 40 grams today (1540 total- about 3 lbs 6 oz.) and Harper hit the 1300 gram mark tonight (2 lbs. 12 ½ oz.). We are thrilled to see them doing so well and growing big and strong!

Picutre of the Day goes to Miss Harper and her tiny hands and sweet sleeping face.

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