Thursday, January 31, 2013

Packing On The Grams

I am pleased and proud to announce that our little ones are now both 4 lbs.  WOO HOO!!   Harper hit the 4 lb mark last night and Jack is weighing in at 4 lbs and 12 oz.  Here’s a quick run down of today’s adventures:

-got a new isolette (without a squeaky drawer)
-was upgraded to a new nasal cannula that’s being used in trial studies. This new nasal cannula, like the old one, delivers moisturized air to help Harper breathe. The new cannula, unlike the old one, does not back up with water and then “dump” the water into her nose with no warning.
-bright eyed, awake and smiling today while I was changing her (so nice instead of the blue of yesterday)

-nursed today and got a good latch and ate so much he made himself sickafter his Gavage- sorry sweet boy, but very glad you’re getting to be an eater
-was visited by the occupational therapist today and did essentially two assisted crunches where he sat up and held his head by himself. The therapist was impressed and Jack was wiped out (he’s already getting in those WODs that make you want to lay down with your hands above your head).
-bright eyed, awake and grunting at me while I changed his diaper- Mr. Fussy Pants

The pictures today are of the kids in the outfits given to them by their Great Mama Reba. Check out the hats- too cute. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

One Month Old

Our babies are a month old today! I can’t believe Jack and Harper were born one month ago. In some ways the time has flown by, in other ways the days seem to drag on. Harper’s breathing problems are still present- she seems to be touch and go these days in terms of when her bradys will set in. I have spent most of my time trying to find better positions to use when I hold her, reading all about preemie reflux problems (something we found out Harper suffers from), and praying the alarm will not go off and she will not change from her pretty pink to “dusky” pale or (like today) an alarming blue. I cannot wait until my beautiful, sweet, sassy girl outgrows these episodes. Lord, please help her to breath deep and grow fast.

Jack got a treat today and got to be held on three different occasions: I gave him a bottle and nursed him today, Tony kangarooed with him, and Nana got to hold him while he was getting his gavage feeding. What a busy day for a little man- he’s growing bigger by the day, just like sister, and is getting better at eating from a bottle. I look at him everyday and I think he looks just like a little man. He has so many of Tony’s facial expressions and instead of crying when he’s upset, he grunts. He’s also getting better about waking up when he hears a voice he knows and he loves to look around while he eats- he’s so wide- eyed and takes in everything around him. Prayers for my little Jack too, our sweet boy, that he grows big and strong as well.

Pictures for today are pictures of them 1 month ago, they day they were born. Check out how much they’ve changed already.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Same Story, Different Day

Jack’s update is first- he looked great today. We spent his “lunch hour” nursing for about 10 min (he did better this time than he did last time- improvement is good) and then Jack took a nap while I looked back and forth between my son lying on my chest and my daughter lying in her bed right next to me. It was nice to have them so close to each other and it made me thankful they moved rooms last week. Jack also got to spend some time with his Nana who came by today. They talked after his nap and she held him for a moment. Jack was napping and peaceful when we left today.

Harper was also peaceful when Nana and I left today, but she didn’t stay that way long… While I was there, Harper was breathing well; she interacted well with the occupational therapist that came by to evaluate her mobility. She doesn’t have some stiffness she did last time, and her reflexes are better this time. Mom and I tucked her in after her evaluation and she looked great. When Tony got to her three hours later, he said she was having breathing problems. He tried to hold her while she ate and she had desaturations and bradys pretty much the whole time. The nurse finally suggested Tony put Harper back in her bed because her breathing just wasn’t getting better. This, naturally, upset Tony and the situation has confused me. Yesterday when I held Harper, I was able to find a good position for her, today the “sweet spot” doesn’t exist. So, we have something to work on tomorrow. In other news, here is Harper modeling the new outfit from her Great Mama Reba- I think she likes it.  Please send prayers that Harper’s breathing tomorrow will be better than today, thank you.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Harper and Her Momma

Let me start this post by letting everyone know that Jack had a great day: he gained weight (4 lbs. 7 oz. today), tried out a swaddle bath for the very first time, and even did better nursing today! He’s a very busy little man and we are very proud of him.  Today, though, I want to give sister a little more time…

As you know, Harper has been battling bradys and remembering to take deep breaths. Yesterday she scared her dad again, so today was my turn to snuggle and love on Harper during her 90 min feed via her Gavage tube. When I sat down with Harper she was rooting and acting like she wanted to nurse (something she hadn’t done since before she got sick- over a week ago). Harper latched on and did a great job nursing; her breathing was strong and she had no bradys despite having to remember to beat her heart, breathe, suck and swallow-I was impressed. Harper was having such a good time that she got irritated with me when I decided she’d had enough (after 10 min or so) and needed to rest so she wouldn’t start having breathing problems. When I moved Harper into a different position after feeding her- a new position where she was laying on her tummy on my chest- she had 3 quick bradys in a span of 4-5 min. The nurse came over and we tried to find a new position that would be better for her; Harper kept having breathing trouble until I pulled her off my body completely and instead put her feet on my tummy, and held her looking towards me. She seemed to like this position (because really, who wants to lay on their full tummy?) We stayed in this position for 70 min with no bradys at all. Harper fussed when I first moved her and when I started singing to her, she calmed down; every time I stopped singing, she would open her eyes. So, I continued to sing the whole 70 mins- every hymn I have in my arsenal. I found myself tearing up singing, “Jesus Loves Me” to my little girl as I promised, “Little ones to Him belong. They are weak, but He is strong.” It was the best feeding time I’ve had with Harper- I looked into her little face the whole time and I couldn’t help but fall in love. How could someone look into the eyes of their child and doubt there is a God?

When I put Harper back in to her “box”, I snuggled her into some new pjs from her Mimi and kissed her and walked out of the NICU knowing that my girl is growing strong (3 lbs 11 oz today) and she is in good hands, and I left with an overwhelming peace that surpasses all understanding. What a great day.

4 Weeks Ago...

Our little babies were born 4 weeks ago today (Sunday); it seems like they’ve endured so much in their short little lives. I am in awe of the resiliency of my children- so many medical obstacles and still they’re so sweet and seemingly happy.

Today we got to hold Harper and Jack. Jack nursed a little bit and then snoozed with his arms crossed under his head like he was lying on the couch watching television. When I put him back in his bassinet after he was done eating, I talked to him and told him we loved him and we’d see him tomorrow. This is the time that my child decided to start “cueing” (acting like he was hungry). I gave him his pacifier instead and he went to town, even using his own hand to hold his pacifier in. Maybe that will help improve his “lazy latch”.

Tony held Miss Harper today. When we walked in this morning the nurse informed us that she didn’t have any bradys all night!  When Tony was holding her, she had a brady- not the best timing.  The nurses say that she just gets so comfortable and happy when she’s held that she relaxes so much and forgets to breathe.  So, we’re working with nurses to learn new positions to use when holding her to help keep her airways open the whole time (positions that keep her chin off her chest and her neck in proper alignment). So, I’m hoping that tomorrow when I hold her, I can put some of those techniques to good use.

Picture of the day goes to Jack and (as his Aunt J would say) his “fooler”.