Let me start this post by
letting everyone know that Jack had a great day: he gained weight (4 lbs. 7 oz.
today), tried out a swaddle bath for the very first time, and even did better
nursing today! He’s a very busy little man and we are very proud of him. Today, though, I want to give sister a little
more time…

As you know, Harper has been
battling bradys and remembering to take deep breaths. Yesterday she scared her
dad again, so today was my turn to snuggle and love on Harper during her 90 min
feed via her Gavage tube. When I sat down with Harper she was rooting and
acting like she wanted to nurse (something she hadn’t done since before she got
sick- over a week ago). Harper latched on and did a great job nursing; her
breathing was strong and she had no bradys despite having to remember to beat
her heart, breathe, suck and swallow-I was impressed. Harper was having such a
good time that she got irritated with me when I decided she’d had enough (after
10 min or so) and needed to rest so she wouldn’t start having breathing
problems. When I moved Harper into a different position after feeding her- a
new position where she was laying on her tummy on my chest- she had 3 quick
bradys in a span of 4-5 min. The nurse came over and we tried to find a new
position that would be better for her; Harper kept having breathing trouble
until I pulled her off my body completely and instead put her feet on my tummy,
and held her looking towards me. She seemed to like this position (because
really, who wants to lay on their full tummy?) We stayed in this position for
70 min with no bradys at all. Harper fussed when I first moved her and when I
started singing to her, she calmed down; every time I stopped singing, she
would open her eyes. So, I continued to sing the whole 70 mins- every hymn I
have in my arsenal. I found myself tearing up singing, “Jesus Loves Me” to my
little girl as I promised, “Little ones to Him belong. They are weak, but He is
strong.” It was the best feeding time I’ve had with Harper- I looked into her
little face the whole time and I couldn’t help but fall in love. How could
someone look into the eyes of their child and doubt there is a God?

When I put Harper back in to
her “box”, I snuggled her into some new pjs from her Mimi and kissed her and
walked out of the NICU knowing that my girl is growing strong (3 lbs 11 oz
today) and she is in good hands, and I left with an overwhelming peace that
surpasses all understanding. What a great day.