Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day off with Momma

Durinda had to take day off this week, so I was pleasantly surprised with a day off with the kids. It was wonderful to be able to see their little faces when they woke up and have breakfast with them- something I never get to do on work days.

We spent our time playing in the morning after a big breakfast- each kiddo ate 2 waffles; I'm glad they're getting their appetites back. We made all sorts of things with blocks, played a little golf, cooked in the kitchen, and played with trucks and cars.

I gave the kids a bath before lunch and they were giggling that they were in the tub during the day time.  They had so much fun splashing each other (and me) and Harper even washed Jack's back for him- sweet sister.

After bath time, we read books until our visitors came over. Nana, Pop, and Uncle Tanner brought lunch by and stayed and played until nap time. It was good to see Uncle Tanner before he heads back to school tomorrow, and we were glad to see Nana up and moving after surgery to repair a broken wrist. The kids were startled to see Nana's arm all bandaged up, but they got over that pretty quickly and had fun playing.

Jack kept Uncle Tanner busy building towers with blocks, reading books, and playing golf while Harper "cooked" up a storm in her kitchen for Nana and Pop. She had Pop eating cookies and hotdogs and drinking tea- it was a hoot.

When our visitors left, the kids took a nap (even Abby got in on the nap action) and we rounded out the day with some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and macaroni and cheese for dinner followed by play time with Daddy. All in all, it was a great day and it was just the thing I needed to help me make it through the work week.

P.S. Harper has been "cooking" for her baby dolls and I have been taking pictures of the aftermath of the meals. Here are two pictures I've taken in the last 24 hours. The first is of the doll eating "cookie chili". I was making a big pot of chili and Harper started cooking in a big pot too...but she was making cookies instead.

The second picture the doll is eating breakfast: macaroni and cheese and a petifore- yum!

I don't know why these strike me as funny, but I crack up when I see the remanence of these meals. I guess it just shows how Harper's little gears are turning all the time. Gotta' love her!

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