Friday, January 9, 2015

Feeling Good Again

After 10 days of fever, fussiness, runny noses, and antibiotics, we are on the mend! I am very happy to announce that we have been fever-free for three days and we finally feel like we are coming out the other side of the tunnel. Here's a shot of the first day Harper felt good enough to actually play with something.

So many things to update- I'll start with the Developmental Specialist appointment:

Both Harper and Jack were "rockstars" according to their doctor and "passed" with flying colors. Harper had just woken up from her nap and took a while to warm up, but once she got going, she enjoyed all the test disguised as games- especially the puzzles. Jack ran right up to the doctor, grabbed her hand, and off they went to play games and have a good time. By the end of the testing, Jack was calling the doctor by name and he even got to go to her office with her to make copies of paperwork. The kiddos both test on-level or above level in all areas but one test (they were supposed to use 4 blocks to make a train, but instead they wanted to build towers with the blocks). So, we're done with the Developmental Specialist for another year- we were hoping we wouldn't go back until the kids are five, but looks like we have a three year old appointment seems weird to think that this time next year they'll be three!

Our other appointment was a pediatrician well-visit on Thursday. Thankfully, the kids were feeling "well enough" to go, and while we were there Jack got a throat swab to verify that he did NOT have strep (thank goodness). The kids got their height/weight stats and their head circumference measured while they were there. Harper is on the light side- she's lost close to a pound since she's been sick- but the doctor isn't too worried; she said that she's sure her weight will pop back up when she starts eating her normal amount again. We're going to try some Carnation Instant Breakfast in the meanwhile and hope we can get in some extra calories.

So, here's the breakdown of each kiddo:

Harper (still on Preemie chart)
Height- 33 inches  (41%) she's grown 2 inches in 6 months
Weight-19.1 lbs (2%)
Head Circumference- 19.3 inches (93%)

Height- 34 inches (30%)
Weight- 23.5 lbs (12%)
Head Circumference- 19.5 inches (82%)

We are very blessed to have two growing, healthy, happy kids. The healthy, happy part is a sigh of relief and a very big blessing tonight. Here are some pictures of our kiddos playing the last couple of days.  We are optimistic these two little ones will have a much better weekend than they had week last week and that we'll see more laughing and smiling than tears. Fingers crossed!
Showing off her new skirt
Blowing her nose on her own...and running!

Feeding her doggy

Jack and Momma

Playing chase with brother
Playing chase with sister

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