Wednesday, March 5, 2014


This week has brought some much needed peace to the Collett household. I can't put my finger on one particular incident that has put us at ease, but I can feel a subtle shift taking place in the house, and I take solace in this shift.

After 14 months of feeling like marionettes bouncing around on a whim, I feel like we're finally getting our feet under us (took long enough, didn't it?). Tony and I know that we're on a roller coaster, but thankfully, right now it feels like we're in a straight away...I'm sure the straight away will turn into a hard bank to the left or a sharp drop that takes us by surprise. I will choose to be thankful for the straight away.

The weather in Dallas has been crazy (think 50 degree drop in temperature last weekend and an inclement weather day off of school on Monday), and poor Abby hasn't been getting out as much as she'd like to. I took the opportunity to bundle the kids up yesterday and get everyone out of the house. I'm sure our neighbors think I'm nuts walking around the neighborhood with two babies bundled up (they also had blankets on them, not seen in the pictures), and a dog tied around my waist. I was also sporting a good looking toboggan (thanks Aunt Becky) that I'm pretty embarrassed the kids and I was singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" as we made our trek. I not only put coats on the kiddos, but I also put on their mittens. The kids were not too found of the mittens and Harper opened and closed her hands over and over with a confused look. Jack somehow managed to take off his tennis shoe despite having mittens on both hands, and when I snapped a picture of him, he had his shoe up by his face!  Where does he come up with these things? Here are some pictures of our adventure.

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