Saturday, February 9, 2013

Stayin' Alive, Stayin' Alive

The Bee Gees have been running through my head all day, especially the song “Stayin’ Alive”. Tony and I completed our infant CPR class this morning- we covered CPR and choking. In order to keep the rhythm needed while giving compressions, the instructor urged us to hum “Stayin’ Alive”; it was a funny moment and yet it was something that I hope I never have to use.

In baby news, we walked in this morning to see Harper without a nasal cannula (woo hoo!). When we spoke with the night nurse last night, she told us that we shouldn’t be excited about Harper being off her cannula just yet because the 24 hour mark would be crucial. She explained that some infants start out breathing well, but get tired as the day goes on and by 24 hours, their body is just spent from having to work so hard to breath and they need to go back on the cannula. With that in mind, Tony and I are still waiting until tomorrow for a full on celebration, but when we spoke to the night nurse tonight, she was still doing well without a cannula- that marks 36 hours cannula free. Way to go, Harper!

In Jack news, he got a bath today, something that Jack generally likes. I took a step back and let Tony fly solo on Jack’s bath- a first for Tony. Both my guys did a great job. Jack was very patient with Tony and just sort of hung out while Dad gave him a bath, and Tony was great about getting in there and working with Jack. When we left the NICU today, we had a great smelling little man and a very sleepy little sister. 

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