Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Beautiful Mess

Our house has been taken over- held hostage really- by bandits. These bandits run amok, pillage, steal, leave the loot they determine to be worthless, but make off with anything they find valuable. They are stealthy and work together to achieve their goals, but they are also short sided and have a minimal attention span, often jumping from one grab to another. I was told that these bandits would be coming, they were projected on the horizon, but we were in denial. Tony and I weren't prepared for the full impact of these little looters and this weekend will be devoted, in part, to "vandal proofing" the house.

Monday was a rough day because our schedule was off- it rained- the kids and I couldn't get out to go for a walk and chaos ensued. Jack fell down the stairs (just two) and landed on the hardwood floor (luckily, the diaper bag helped to break his fall), Harper charged Abby while carrying a plastic spoon and plate over her head, this scared Abby and she started barking at Harper, which scared Harper and she started crying. This all happened within moments of each other- literally- I was checking Jack out after his fall when I heard Abby barking- it was stressful, frustrating, and comical all at once. I know that these days will soon outnumber the days where we sit in the living room and read books and play for an hour.

Luckily for Tony, by the time he got home from the gym, the kids were much calmer and had dinner. How can you not love these two little ones- even if they are crazy, curious, destructive explorers?

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