Sunday, November 3, 2013

Time Change Weekend

This weekend Tony and I were judges at a local Crossfit competition. We had to be at the venue at 7am, so Nana and Pop spent the night Friday night and took care of the kiddos all day on Saturday. We are so thankful that they could come over. I know the kids had a great time with them, and I hope Nana and Pop had fun too.
Tony and I didn't compete in this competition, but we were wiped out when we got home at 4:30. Nana and Pop left around 6 and we somehow managed to hold our eyes open until we put the kids to bed. Tony and I decided the best option would be to keep the kids up until 8pm (they normally go to bed at 7) to combat the time change. Sadly, we couldn't make it to 8 and Tony and I had the kids in their pjs at 7:30- not because the kids were fussy, but because we were falling asleep. After putting the kids down and grabbing a very quick bite to eat, Tony and I were in bed around 8:30 and we slept until Jack woke us up talking about 5:45 (6:45 old time). Lucky for us, Jack went back to sleep off and on until 6:30.
This time change came at a good time, but it's thrown the twins' body clocks for a loop. Tonight around  6, they got so fussy and then both fell asleep while eating their bedtime bottles. I hope they can sort out their internal clocks in the next couple of days.
Meanwhile, we spent Sunday laying around and getting things done around the house. I went through the kids' closet and re-organized their shelves. Tony and I ran to the grocery store with the kiddos, and they really enjoyed holding a couple of groceries in their stroller while we shopped. Tony also took Abby to the dog park toda; this was Abby's first trip in almost a year. Tony said she was thrilled to be back at the park (prior to having the twins, we would take Abby to the dog park 4-5 times a month). When she got home, she took a good nap, and she is currently curled up sleeping next to me- I think she's a happy dog.

Here are some pictures of our weekend. As you can see, the kids have learned how to make a mess- too bad they haven't quite figured out how to pick up yet (we're working on that). I also started putting up our Halloween things so we can get out the Thanksgiving decorations and clothes. The kids had to wear their Halloween hats and bibs one more time- they were too cut to pack away. I also bought some bows for Harper; she was okay with the headband until she started pulling at it and it fell over her eyes. So, here's how we spent our weekend- it went by too fast.

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