Sunday, May 5, 2013

Weekend Warriors

We were busy little bees this weekend trying to enjoy the spring weather and get out and about with the kiddos. Friday Tony had the day off and spent all day with kids by himself for the first time. I left at 7:15 hoping they would have a good day, and I returned at 4 to a happy Dad and two smiling kiddos-success! We celebrated the victory with dinner out with the Sterlings, which means 4 adults and 3 kiddos; we were lucky all 3 kids were well behaved (no melt downs until dessert arrived). We got home from dinner and tucked everyone in to watch some tv and unwind.
Saturday we were busy with chores, but managed to take a quick trip to Target where we were stopped by two different families to talk about the twins and how well behaved they were- thankfully no meltdowns at Target and we the kids came out with two more books and The Muppets Take Manhattan on DVD :)

Sunday we made a grocery store run and then had some visitors. I was so excited to get to introduce the kids to my long time friend, Laura, and her family. Laura and her daughter, Charlotte, were visiting from Virgina and got to spend some time with us. Charlotte was interested in the babies, but was much more excited to see Abby, and I think Abby was excited that finally someone was visiting her. :)

Nana also came over to see the kiddos this afternoon and the kids had fun showing her how much they've grown and smiling while she talked to them. It was nice to have guests today so Tony and I could finish up some chores and get ready for the long work week. 

We also managed to sneak in a quick photo shoot of the twins in their cute "h" and "j" onesies that they are finally big enough to wear. A big shout out to the Sandbergs for their attire.

Wiped out at the end of the weekend and ready to rest...

1 comment:

  1. It was so great to see y'all and finally get to cuddle with those babies! They're amazing and you and Tony are doing such an awesome job. xoxo
