Thursday, May 2, 2013

It's Been A While...

Believe it or not, the little babies that we brought home from the hospital are now 4 months old! They were 4 months old on Tuesday, the 30th (my grandfather's birthday- it's heart warming to me that they'll always have a small connection to him in that way). Today, the kids go in for their check up and we'll have offical height and weight stats that I'll post this evening along with their 4th month pictures I took- they are really cute.

In the interum, however, I thought I would share our new "thing" that Tony and I have started. When the kids came home from the hospital, poor Abby and her walks fell down on our priority list. In addition to having tiny infants, this was aided by the cold weather. Now, when we have a beautiful sunshiney, 85 degree day, it's much harder to put Abby off; we know how much she loves to walk in the sunshine.  So, we have devised a plan to help Abby get her walk in and to keep us both sane. The person who is walking Abby, also dons the Baby Bjorn and takes a kid with them on their walk. This helps all in a variety of ways: Abby isn't going stir crazy inside the house, the person walking Abby isn't trying to manuver the stroller and Abby (a feat for sure), the kiddo on the walk gets some fresh air and oustide time, the adults each get some one on one time with a kiddo, the adult left at home has a much higher chance of doing something productive at home (like washing bottles or folding laundry) with only one child to take care of. 

We've tried this twice and it's worked out pretty well.  Here's a shot of Harper and Tony after their walk. 

P.S. Carrying a baby on your chest (even a small one) while you power walk a mile with a 50lb dog encouraging you to move faster is a no joke workout!

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