Sunday, April 7, 2013

Weekend Wrap-up and Prayers for Pop

We have been going through quite a few “firsts” around the Collett household. This was my first full week back to work, our first nights alone just the five of us, Tony had his first solo doctor visit with both kids, and tonight we embark on the first week Tony and I will have just us and the kids. This will be our new “normal”, so we spent some time this weekend working out a schedule and trying to frame up what we’re hoping we can each get done in a day.

We didn’t just sit around and work on schedules all weekend, though, we did get out and have some fun. We went to the gym, spent some time with friends, and even got a visit from Nana and Pop. The kids are enjoying their play mat (as seen here) and Tony and I are getting a kick out of the funny faces they make when they play with each other. We are also in awe of little Jack- he has rolled over twice during tummy time- he is so determined to flip himself over that he just kicks that leg and rocks his little body until he gets where he wants to go.

We also spent some time working in the yard this weekend, running with Abby, doing taxes, folding laundry, and washing a mountain of bottles. In the midst of all the chores we tackled, there were some sweet moments. Here’s what I came in to find Saturday morning; there is nothing that makes me happier than seeing my little family all snuggled up together. Even Abby was nestled down in her bed- a precious, quiet moment for all in our house.  Yes, it was a nice weekend and we look forward to many more weekends filled with family, friends, and fun.

On a different note, the kids and Tony and I would like to implore our prayerful friends to send up a prayer for my dad. He is having surgery tomorrow morning at 7:30 to remove 4 tumors from his bladder. I think everyone is still in shock that he has been diagnosed with another type of cancer. Cancer is cruel and while I want to yell “this isn’t fair”, my dad has reassured us all that he’s going to do what he has to do, and surgery is what he has to do followed by some chemotherapy. So, if you are a prayerful person, and you would pray for my father- Jack and Harper’s Pop- we would all greatly appreciate it. Prayer is a powerful thing and we will take all the prayers we can get. Thank you in advance.

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