Thursday, April 4, 2013

Nap Needed

I have officially hit a wall this week. I have been at work three full days this week and now I’m learning just how exhausting it is to be a working parent. At school, I feel like I’m going strong until about 11am and then I have an overwhelming urge to recharge my batteries. I’ve never napped at school before, but this week I’ve thought about just crawling under my desk and using a textbook as a pillow to grab even 10 minutes of sleep, if that shows you my desperation.

When I get home, I have energy for about an hour and then the headache sets in and I feel like I’m trudging through quicksand. Please don’t get me wrong, I love being home with my family, and I am in no way upset to be taking care of my kids, this is just more tiring than I could’ve ever imagined.

The weather has also contributed to my fatigue. A storm blew through the last couple of days, and I am not happy with the allergens that traveled with said storm. The stuffy nose, sniffling, headache, and itchy eyes cut my night short as I popped a Benadryl and staggered to bed at 9pm.

I admire all parents and caregivers. As I type this at 2:25 am, all I can do is calculate the potential remaining sleep I might get tonight and wonder if that’s enough sleep to help me coast on through the day. This parenting stuff is no joke. I don’t know how a single parent would do this- kudos to them. I am holding the eyelids of my right eye open with my left hand just so I can finish the blog.

Pictures of the day go to my snuggly kids: Harper catching a cat nap on Jack while she waits for her bottle to warm, and Jack and I playing on his play mat (this was taken when I was still in a lucid state, but I was fading fast). Here’s hoping Thursday will bring everyone rest and relaxation!

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