Today was a pretty quiet day at the Collett household- no big problems, no remarkable issues; everything was at peace...until 9pm.
For some reason, Harper decides around 9 each night that she is going to protest sleep and we will be the witnesses to her protest. Most nights go something like this:
-Eat bottle at 7:30 pm
-Wake time from 7:30-8:30
-Both kids are peacefully asleep at 8:30
-9 pm or a little after cue Harper waking from a dead sleep to cry
9-10:45- Various position changes for Harper, none of which make her happy. Offer bottle- no, not hungry. Try changing diaper- nope, not that either. Move to swing, bouncy chair, hammock, rock in rocker, walk the floor, pull out hair...nope, none of those will work
10:45- fall back to sleep for 10 min.
11 - eat
11:30-1am- Squak every 15-20 minutes to keep from falling into a good, deep sleep. Scream head off if left to "cry it out"
1 am- magically fall asleep as if there's some sort of on/off switch
Now, Harper doesn't scream all night- she can scream for quite awhile if she gets worked up, but most nights she just fusses. We can go for a stretch of 10- 15 min without any crying and then just when she strats to drift off to sleep, she starts squaking. I don't know why she doesn't want to sleep, but when this girl gets something in her head, she is stubborn about it (I wonder where she gets that). So, Tony and I are trying all sorts of things to get her to sleep when she needs to sleep. I'm not a big fan of this part of our parenting adventure and I will go out on a limb and say that my sleep deprived husband is not a fan of this either (but who is, right?)
Picture of the day today goes to both kiddos. After their 4pm feeding, I was trying to keep them awake so I put on some music and started dancing around. I was dancing up a storm and singing and trying my best to entertain. These are the responses I got- too funny not to share. I guess I should keep my day job...