Sunday, January 4, 2015

Being Sick Is No fun

Our weekend started out great; we began our celebrating of the New Year a bit early with an outing to La Madeline for breakfast and some quick errands. We went to La Madeline last year for the kids' birthday breakfast and this year we went a day later, but the tradition continues. I think Harper and Jack had a good time; Harper tried crepes and really enjoyed them, and Jack left breakfast proclaiming his new love for croissants. I think we'll have to go back again next year.

After nap time on New Year's Eve, our fun day hit a bump. We noticed Harper coughing quite a bit and then we saw the tale tell runny nose- ugh. We adjusted our New Year's Eve plans (which had included Harper and Jack getting in some play time with friends) and we hoped that Harper would feel better in the morning.

It has now been 4 full days and we have been to the doctor 4 times between the two kiddos. We have administered more medicine than Tony and I could count, and I have a headache from all the albuterol I've inhaled second hand. We hoped the kids would get over the cold with some tylenol and some breathing treatments, but it became clear to us today that neither Harper nor Jack were getting any better.  In fact, Harper had taken to throwing screaming tantrums out of frustration and feeling horrible. So, it was back to the doctor (the 3rd time for H) where she was diagnosed with pneumonia.  Poor kiddo; we kept her from getting RSV those first two winters, but this year we just couldn't shake those breathing problems.

When Jack got up from his nap this afternoon with a horrible hacking cough, Tony and I decided that I should take Jack to the doctor. They were quick to check him out after seeing Harper this morning. Jack's diagnosis was a bit different- bronchitis for J-Man.

So, now we're on a cocktail of antibiotics (different for each kid with different administration times and rules- of course), breathing treatments every 4 hours, and lots of TLC.  Oh, and LOTS of Kleenex...lots and lots of Kleenex.

So, please forgive me for a short post that doesn't include very many exciting things. Here's hoping this week will bring happier, healthier kids and much more rested parents. Prayers for our little family please- we can use them. Thank you!

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