Then came 11pm on Friday....
All heck broke loose at our house when I went in to check on a screaming Jack and found him covered in vomit. UGH. I grabbed Jack and took him to the bathroom; while Tony cleaned up his bed, I gave Jack a bath. He seemed to be okay and even played a little in the bathtub- I thought maybe it was a fluke thing, until I was getting him into clean pjs and he got sick 4-5 more times. Poor kiddo was hunched over the toilet and would lean on me long enough to cry and then get sick again.
We took sick Jack to our room and put him in a pack n play. I grabbed a shallow tub affectionately known in my family as a "barf bucket" and put it next to the bed, though I was sure that he was done being sick. Nope, not even close. That poor kiddo sick 3-4 more times throughout the night. I didn't know I could move so fast; I would go from a dead sleep to hearing a cough, pick up the bucket, and leap across the room to Jack and stick that bucket under his face. He would get sick a few times and then push the tub away and say "all done". It was cute and so sad- poor guy. Jack finally went to sleep around 3 and we didn't hear from him again until 7:30.
When Jack woke up we gave him something to drink and tried to keep him comfortable until Harper woke up. That girl slept and slept- finally at 8:15, Tony went to check on her. He said that he would take care of "well Harper" so I could take care of "sick Jack". Next thing I know, I hear the bathwater turn on in the kids' bathroom. I put Jack back in the pack n play and went running in to find Harper covered in vomit...this is where the weekend went from bad to really bad.
We spent the next 48 hours cleaning sheets, beds, pajamas, blankets, barf buckets, toilets, name it, we cleaned it, and poor Tony did most of the gross cleaning- he was an extra awesome dad this weekend; we couldn't have done it without him.
We also watched a lot of children's programing and laid on the couch. The kids both wanted to sit with me, so I spent most of my time pinned down- I was thankful I got to cuddle with my little ones so much. It's always so neat to me when both kiddos sit with me- it reminds me of the time I spent on bed rest when it was just the three of us in the afternoons, and I feel perfectly content in those moments.
We thought that we had finally rounded a corner when we had been vomit free for 24 hours on Sunday night and the kids were eating toast...nope, spoke too soon...
Monday about 1am, I started getting sick. I was up every 1/2 hour-hour from 1-7am and I felt miserable. I called in sick to school and tried to drink some fluids throughout the day, but when Tony came home, he had to take me to the ER. I was given two bags of fluid and some medicine for the nausea.
The kids, however, did great on Monday and were playing with Durinda and having a good time- they even started eating more "normal" foods.
So on Tuesday morning when Harper threw up again, we were frustrated, scared, and exhausted. Tony came home from work to take Harper to the doctor, and that's where she tested positive for flu B.
So, that's where we find ourselves today. Jack is feeling better- though I'm cautious to report that. Harper is getting some anti-nausea medicine, and I'm still eating Jello and popsicles. Speaking of which, Jack has enjoyed getting to eat some "new" things that I wouldn't normally buy.
I'm not sure what we've done to irritate 2015 so much, but in the last month (I'll include December as well), our family has had the following "bugs" come through our house:
-Flu type A (me)
-Bronchiolitis (Jack)
-Strep Throat (Harper)
-Pneumonia (Harper)
-Stomach bug (Tony)
-Flu type B (Jack, Harper...and me)
We are ready to get over this and feel better, and move into the rest of the year with good health. If you're a prayerful person, we could use some prayers for healing for these two little ones. Here's hoping the next post will bring some better news.