Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

A quick apology for our late post this week- I tested positive for the flu and have been a little under the weather, mostly very tired, and the blog slipped off the priority list for a few days.

But, we're back and with lost of excitement this past weekend that made the weekend fun- it passed by so quickly that most of it was a blur.

On Friday night, Tony and I went to his company's Christmas party. We had fun dressing up and getting a night out with just the two of us; I even got Tony to get out on the dance floor with me- it was a good party!  I painted my nails on Friday night before the shindig, and Harper let me paint her toenails too- she liked the sparkly toes.

Saturday morning I went to the gym and then the kids and I went to breakfast with some of the ladies from the gym while Tony worked out. The kids were great at breakfast and liked the biscuits and french toast, and they also liked the coloring pages before our breakfast came.

After breakfast, the kids and I came home and took Abby for a walk. The weather was nice and the kids enjoyed their walk so much that they asked me to go around the block one more time "more! more!" They also insisted on wearing their sunglasses (just like Momma). I think they enjoyed looking at Christmas decorations the most. I know they'll like looking at Christmas lights next week.

Saturday evening we decided to load up and go to the mall to see Santa Claus. Last year we waited for almost 2 hours at the mall before bailing out of line and finding a different Santa event closer to Christmas, but this time the mall line was pretty short (25 minutes or so). Tony stood in line with the kids while I ran into a couple of stores, and I returned just in time to get where we could see Santa. The kids watched the other families in front of us take their turn, and we talked about what to say to Santa and what the experience would be like. When it was our turn, the kids walked in and we put them on Santa's lap- both kids looked a little leery, but there were no tears. As you can see from the picture, Harper wasn't too impressed with this "Santa impostor" and Jack didn't know quite what to do. But Santa was very nice and we got pictures and reindeer hats (which didn't last too long). Then we went to dinner and the kids talked about Santa and sang Christmas carols- it was fun!

Sunday, Santa made an early Christmas visit to our house. Tony and I had told Santa we were going out of town for Christmas and asked him to please deliver any large items early. So, when Harper and Jack woke up Sunday morning, they found a kitchen/grill combo from Santa Claus. The kids were so excited! They spent the whole morning cooking and playing and exploring their new activity center.

Jack even made Mickey some dinner!

We packed up around lunch time and headed to Ft. Worth to celebrate Aunt Becky's birthday. The kids had a great time eating Mexican food and cake and playing at Granny's house. Jack was very interested in Granny's Christmas tree and looking at all the ornaments. Harper was excited that Granny had brought out some of the toys from her toy closet and Harper immediately found a baby doll and was happy.

We also took pictures of Jack and Harper sitting in a little red chair that my Paw-Paw's grandfather made for him pretty close to 90 years ago. It's so neat to see that my Paw-Paw and my kids can have a connection (Harper really liked rocking her baby to sleep in this chair) and that we have photographic evidence.

The kids also got measured while we were at Granny's house. All the grandkids (including those who have married in) have their height charted on the doorframe to my Granny's kitchen. The oldest marking on there is mine from 1988-89, and now Harper and Jack have two entries on the height chart. It was so neat to see how much they've grown in one year, and to see Jack getting tall enough to reach Tanner's height when he was two.

The kids were so busy playing that they didn't even realize they missed their nap until we got in the car to head home and they both sacked out. Harper and Jack slept for about an hour (they normally sleep an hour and 1/2 or so), so when we got home, they were still a little tired. They played in their kitchen and then Tony and I decided it would be cute to have pictures of the kids in front of the Christmas tree- this was a mistake. Harper, running on less sleep than normal and hungry for dinner, had a huge meltdown. She threw the biggest temper tantrum I've ever seen her throw. Tony even put her in her room because we got tired of watching her roll around and yell. When Jack realized she was in their room, he ran to the door and called out "Harper! Harper!" He was so concerned that Harper might not be "okay"- it was very sweet to see his concern.

After epic meltdown, we got the kids dinner (which helped Harper feel more like herself), and hustled them off to bed. It was a peaceful ending to a crazy weekend, but I wouldn't trade it!

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