Thursday, September 25, 2014

Mid-Week Notes

This week has been very stressful at the Collett house. Not only are we juggling the regular household activities, but both Tony and I have been slammed at work, and we're trying to squeeze in time at the gym, and find time to sleep- it's been a rough schedule to say the least. I am ready for this grading period to be over so things will slow down a little.

We also had a little scary moment this week. Jack ate some hummus for lunch and he really liked it, so he ate quite a bit of hummus for lunch. When I went to give him a bath, this is what his poor back looked like and the rash/hives continued on his tummy and legs and on his neck. I quickly gave him some Benadryl, and he acted like things were okay. The bumps were gone by morning, but I think someone is going to have some allergy testing in their future.

On a happier note, the kids have been busy with Durinda this week. They have been playing outside, going for walks, doing some art- finger painting and coloring- and playing with Abby. The neighbors next door got a new roof this week, so Jack and Harper spent some time outside watching the roofers work. Durinda said that Jack was fascinated by the shadow the roofers cast onto our house as they moved around the neighbor's house; Jack was so interested that he even pulled up a chair to check it out.
The kids have also been getting along with Abby and saying her name quite often. I think Abby is realizing that the kids aren't allowed to bother her while she's eating, really have no interest in pulling her ears or tail (yet), and generally seem to leave her alone. It also helps that Abby is always given an exit strategy by the adult watching the kid-dog interaction, and the kids always seem to drop good food that Abby likes to munch on. So, Abby has been more tolerable of the kiddos and Durinda managed to get these great pictures of Harper and Jack loving on "Abb-A". :)

Our last adventure of the work week was a cooking demonstration tonight by Yours Truly. I was making sloppy Joe's and the kids insisted on watching, so we pulled up a couple of chairs and suddenly I had my own cooking show. Too bad they didn't get to see their daddy cook; he's the one with all the fancy moves and the yummy samples.

A few other things that I want to remember from this week:
- Jack was working on something yesterday and he was humming away while he worked, like a little man.
-Harper has started playing with the Little People and her little animals in the tub. She thinks it's fun when I have them pretend to talk or walk, and she will imitate what I do.
-Both kids were cracking up today watching me eat and apple. I would over exaggerate the bite (think Cookie Monster) and they would belly laugh- it was music to my ears.
-Jack and Harper both love to play chase with their daddy and will squeal and run when Tony says, "I'm gonna' get you!" They love to play this game right before bed time especially.

 I guess that's all for this week- stay tuned for pictures from our fun weekend adventures!

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