Sunday, March 2, 2014

14 Months Old

Jack and Harper are fourteen months old today and they seem to be getting bigger by the minute. Jack is officially in all 12 month clothes, and Harper is in 9 month clothes now (she seemed like she would be in 3 month clothes forever). Both kids are walking all over the place, and they both carry objects as they walk now. Harper is trying to learn to stand from a seated position, and Jack is learning more words like "ball", which he said a few times this weekend. I have no idea what they'll be doing next week, but I know it will be amazing to they are walking :)

This weekend has been a crazy weekend in Frisco. Saturday we spent our afternoon with our gym friends enjoying a cookout and basking in the warm weather. The kids were so excited to sit in this little chair (we're going to have to invest in some chairs for these little ones), and eat their hamburger and chocolate cake. The day was beautiful and Abby and I enjoyed a long walk when we got home from the gym, and I was sweating in shorts and a t-shirt. I'm thankful Abby and I got in a long walk yesterday because today a cold front came through, and we are now iced in.

The kids I spent the day snuggled up in the house trying to stay warm. We even found ourselves piled into the same bed this morning- the flash was so bright! After looking at the daily forecast, we knew we didn't want the kids out in cold, so Tony ventured out to the grocery store, and he said the place was a madhouse. So, he escaped and picked us up some Whataburger (our last fast food until Easter- we're giving it up for Lent; wish us luck). While Tony was at the store, I worked on swapping out some of the kids' toys and books. They love their books, but it was time for some rotation to take place (the books are looked well loved and they still have Christmas/birthday toys they haven't played with yet). When the kiddos got up from their nap today, they had a new toy to play with. Here are some action shots; you'll notice Jack hardly looked up- he was too busy trying to figure everything out.


We ended our night with a surprise from little Miss Harper. She decided that she was upset with us during dinner and started yelling and then screaming and then crying...she had a full on meltdown while Tony, Jack, and I ate our roast, carrots, and mashed potatoes. Dinner was fantastic, but the ambiance was awful. Harper cried so loudly and so angrily that Tony put her in the living room to calm down. When she calmed down, I tried to put her back in her high chair, and she immediately started throwing her temper tantrum again and I put her back in the living room. Tony and I were exhausted by her antics, and she was exhausted from screaming for 25 minutes. That did not stop her, however, from acting like a crazy person when I tried to change her diaper and put on her pajamas. I called to tell my mother that we had a "14 month old for sale", and she laughed and said "what did Harper do?" I can't imagine what she's going to be like at 2; I guess we're getting a glimpse of the terrible twos a little early. Who can stay mad at this sweet face?

While Harper was doing her impression of the Tasmanian Devil, Jack was eating his dinner, laughing, and being an enjoyable little guy. Thank you, Jack, for being drama free; for this good behavior, you get two things you love: your dad's wallet, and the television remote!

Happy 14 months my sweet boy and my sweet girl; even when the wheels fall off, we still love you more than anything else in the whole world.

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